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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Sorry I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks. Had a little set back. I went into the hospital a couple of weeks ago for a kidney stone (more pain than I have ever experienced in my entire life!!!!) Well, they over medicated me and stopped my heart so I spent the next 2 days on life support not knowing the world was even turning! The next five days after that were spent in ICU and the next 4 days on a regular patient's floor. Whew! So, it's been a rough couple of weeks. But God is so good!!! I'm alive & well to tell that story!

On another brighter note, my Team GDI Pro business kept on working while I couldn't! 4 more people signed up while I was in the hospital! That qualifies me for my first $100 bonus!

Well I'm still very tired and weak but wanted to post since I had not in a while. As always you can email me for more information on TeamGDIPro or instant message me or visit our prospect room or site.

Til next time I'm recovering and continue to Make Money for Us!

Yahoo IM: craft5mac
skype: laurie.crafton
GDI Prospect room:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well it's been about 3 weeks now since I started with Team GDI Pro. I LOVE this Team! Everybody is so helpful!

Let's get down to some stats. At the end of about 14 days, I still just had 3 prospects, not sign-ups. I was telling everyone on the Team how down I was because I kept hearing all of their success stories. Everyone gave me 100% support!

Well turns out that me not getting sign-ups like everyone else was a fluke!!! (Leave it to me to be the fluke!) I was submitted free advertising TEXT ads advertising my Team GDI Pro links and little did I know that the sites to which I was submitted ads were turning my TEXT ads into HTML ads. Well...little did I know there were embedded links in the TEXT ad I was using. Usually in just plain text, you can't click links. Well, when I submitted my Text ads the advertisers were switching my TEXT ads into HTML. So, are you ready for this??? FOR TWO WEEKS I WAS ADVERTISING THE OWNER OF TEAM GDI PRO'S ADVERTISING LINKS!!!! Yes I was doing totally FREE advertising for someone else for two weeks! Ugh!

Okay, good news.....this past week I was able to correct all those bad links and start advertising for MYSELF!!!!! I got 3 sign-ups in one week. Woo-hoo !!!

System works!!! (As long as you check all your links....even TEXT links!)

So now I have 3 sign-ups in one week. For every 5 I get in a week (which I will thanks to my FREE advertising and the FREE advertising the TEAM is doing for me) I will receive $100 bonus. That should be next week. Pretty sweet, huh?!!

As always I'll keep you updated as I continue to try and Make Money For Us!

Feel free to contact me or check out my AMAZING TEAM GDI PRO!!!
