Custom Search

Friday, May 23, 2008


I stated yesterday that I sure was excited about the day's research and the new site I unearthed! Wait no more! First thing I want to say is once again, it's FREEEEEE!!!

Let me introduce you to RevResponse. RevResponse is a B2B site. For those of you that need a definition, B2B is a term often used to describe websites that sell services to other businesses. A business is serving other businesses as opposed to consumers.

I weeded through countless articles, publications and the site itself (to which I have given my thumbs up to and joined) before posting. Most of the reading I did was pretty technical stuff. I'm going to lay it out to you in layman's terms and get straight to the point.

First of all you must be a site owner of business related content to sign up for RevResponse. That can be a Blog, Website, URL, etc. about a certain business or businesses in general. For those of you that follow my Blog you know that I do business with work from home opportunities that legitimately do work! That's my business! So, we, me, being a "publisher" either of a website or a Blog, with business related content, can apply to RevResponse to be a partner with them. You can also think of RevResponse as an alternative to AdSense. You have to pay for Adsense. Again, RevResponse is FREE!

What Kinds of Services Does RevResponse Work With? There are many different FREE resources through RevResponse. Resources range from podcasts and white papers to real magazine subscriptions. Remember these are business related FREE resources, not Vogue or Women's Day or anything like that! Magazine & downloads are broken down into about 30 different industries. Some examples are: internet technology, computers, retail businesses, transportation, and small businesses just to name a few.

How Does All of This Work? You sign up with RevResponse for FREE. Your application is reviewed and you are responded to through email within 24 hours. Once approved (for FREE),
you have access to all of these resources which you are going to offer on your Blog or your website for FREE to your visitors and/or users of your site. When one of your visitors signs up for any of these services or downloads any of the resources, you, I , we get paid!

Perhaps one of the most attractive aspects of RevResponse is that they guarantee a payout of $1.50 for each qualifying signup, subscription or registration. They go on to state that in many cases you will earn much more.

RevResponse gives you all the tools (for FREE) that you will need in order to set everything up. Basically you put a link on your page (which they provide to you, you got it, for FREE) and visitors will click through and see the FREE resources available. There are so many suggestions from RevResponse on how to market the resources. They have banners, text ads and even flashing widgets (flashy ads) that you can put on your site to attract interest. You can get as specific as you would like with your advertising. Let's say your business is only dealing with computers. You could actually advertise only those resources dealing with computers. You wouldn't want to advertise a "Transportation" resource on your site about "Computers." Visitors, like ourselves LOVE FREE STUFF and this is not just any free stuff this is resources which will add value to their own businesses.

I've only just signed up for RevResponse but already in setting my pages up I can tell you that their customer support administrators are lightening fast and have more knowledge than I'll ever attest to having about the ins and outs of setting up computer generated sites, pages & HTML codes. So basically if I can do it, you can do it!

In addition to getting payments from RevResponse for getting sign-ups to their FREE resources, they also have a partner Referral System. You probably won't believe this next line but I checked it out and it is true! The referral program pays 20% of the earnings that a referral partner generates for the first six months of their partnership! So, if I not only got Jane Doe to sign-up for a free resource or two, and she was so impressed by the site that she signed on to be an advertising partner as I am, I would make 20% earnings on everything she made for the next six months! Wow!

RevResponse was recently written up in Forbes magazine as a company to keep an eye on. I think that is pretty impressive! I have also read many articles written about RevResponse as well as many testimonials. Existing publishers (partners we'll call ourselves) have already seen significant earnings growth from using RevResponse. They attribute this to its targeted and relevant catalog of valuable FREE business resources.

While most ad networks present advertisements to users, RevResponse provides publishers a means to generate revenue by presenting their audience targeted content that is FREE.

For more information, or if you're interested in joining, visit:

If you are only interested in seeing the Resource Offers then visit:

As always, I will keep you posted on activity and revenues I receive because I am always looking for ways to Make Money For Us!


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