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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Motivated Moms - Making Staying At Home and Keeping Your House Organized A Little Easier

I have found a wonderful inexpensive way to keep myself sane while staying at home and working from home. It is called Motivated Moms. This unique and straightforward chore planning system is for moms who are trying to balance creative endeavors with their desire to have an orderly and organized environment in their homes. Really anyone can use this valuable tool. As friends who met online, Deann Polanco and Janet Russell collaborated for several years on the Motivated Moms chore planning system. Beginning in 2005, Janet wanted more time to spend on other interests and Deann took over the business. Initially offered in traditional ‘book’ format, it is now a printable chore list in e-book format for readers to download and print.

The system is designed to help you complete chores and tasks throughout the year so that you don’t spend your entire day doing housework. To help you organize your priorities, the printable chore lists has the daily necessities listed as chores, and the less frequent duties listed as tasks. If, while pursuing other goals, you miss the tasks scheduled for a particular day, you don’t have to ‘transfer’ those tasks to the next day. Just remain focused on completing daily chores and do the weekly scheduled tasks as they fit into your schedule and family lifestyle. The tasks you miss will come up again on another day.

Above all, the Motivated Moms Chore Planning System is NOT intended as a guilt planner! Motivated Moms is all about reducing stress, not adding to it, and making home management easier.

The Motivated Moms Chore Planning System comes in six versions, the full-sized with Bible readings scheduled (a schedule to read the Bible through in a year), the full-sized without the Bible schedule, a half-sized version with and without scheduled Bible readings and a "page per day" version with and without the Bible schedule that has one day of chores per day and also has lines for appointments and a box for the daily menu plan and a place for notes. Any of the six would be a great tool in order to be able to get everything done each day.

A wise woman once told me..."If you keep doing what you are are going to keep getting what you are getting."

The most important thing that I did was to make a decision to "do something."

Click here to view more details

Laurie Crafton
Stay At Home Moms Unite!

1 comment:

SimplyBillie said...

I tried and failed at Flylady before coming across Motivated Moms. It's a lot more laid-back and makes you feel less guilty if you slack every once in a while. Great post!